Friday, 14 September 2018

What is mean by RAM? All Info About RAM

What is mean by RAM:
RAM is also known as Random Access Memory RAM has other names like as Main Memory, Internal Memory, Primary Storage.

Random Access Memory can access data in a random order, so finding a particular information part makes it very fast.

While other types of storage do not have random access to data for example, in a hard disk drive and the CD the data is read and write form or in a predetermined order. The mechanical desigen of these devices determines that data access is fast. This means that the time it takes to get specific information depends on where it is located on the disc.

RAM is used as the main memory in the computer system. RAM is considered volatile memory, which means that all information stored in a RAM is destroyed when the computer turn off. Therefore, RAM is used by the Central Processing Unit is aslo known as CPU.
When we find some information the computer runs to store information, it needs to be used very quickly, but it has no power to store this information permanetly.

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Now a days RAM uses integraed circuits to store device information. it it a relatively expansive type of storage option and the cost is mucher higher than the per unit of hard drive.

However, the time access RAM data is so quickly fast that due to this cost of RAM has incrased per money you invested. Therefore, computer, fast-access, temporary storage of information and hard disk drives, like Permant Storage uses a certain amount of RAM.

History of RAM

Random Access Memory was first used in computer in the 1940s. Magnetic-core memory was dependent on the maganatic ring's array. The data was stored by magnetizing each ring. Ther was a bit of data stored in a each ring and magnetization indicated zero or forest direction.

Now technology is more advance compare to that era, small devices found which could store more information but could have believed in same principle.
The real success for compare memory came from the inventaion of Solid-State Memory in the integrated circuit in the 1970s. Very small transistores were used in it, making it possible to store a lot of information in this very small of area. However, this increase in memory density was at the expense of volatility. a constant power of supply is must to maint the status of each transistor.

in the early 1990s, clock speed was synchronized with Random Access Memory. SDRAM reached it limit early because it transfers it to singel data rate.

Around the year 2000. the Double Data Rate Random Access Memory was developed. it could transfer twice the data to  a clock cycle. The introducation of  DDR RAM has also changed the definiation of SDRAM because mlany sources now defines it as a single data rate ram.

The DDR RAM has developed threee times faster, through DDR2, DDR3, and DDR4. Speed and low power consumpation of data improved in each iteration . However, each version is not compatible with the previoucs ones.

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